Knitted Scarf Finished!

I finally finished my grandson's scarf. Woof! It is double-knit. The winters in the Sierras are not as cold as mine, so I used acky-lack. It is still warm enough for him. He is 7 and is always moving. The pics below are not the best. what can I say... I took them on the kitchen counter tonight.

While I was down in Pioneer CA, my Mom came up and met us down in Jackson for a very brief visit. I sure miss her. She took the photo below of my grandson and I. Can someone tell me what the hell that is under my chin!? Time to count the carbs.

It is snow-linting outside right now. Imagine a heavy mist that is frozen. In the light coming from above the garage door, it looks like zillions of teeny-tiny crystals or diamonds coming down. It is beautiful.

Tomorrow, I get my Alden Amos Canadian production wheel out and get some spinning done. I have not spun for way too long! I will probably finally spin up the blue fox and wool blend I bought eons ago. I found a few sweater patterns that will work with my handspun. I want to add a blue fox collar my great-auntie gave me after she passed on. It will be detachable so the sweater can be cleaned, or if it is too warm out for a fur collar.


I am a bit ecclectic. This blog is whimsical musings about my various interests and sharing things I am learning. If anything, it will be a good sleeping pill, no?


  1. What is "that"? It is gammie love. It is joy, it is perfection and it is living and loving long enough to reap the rewards. And if it doesn't turn grandpa on he ought to have his parts checked! From one gammie to another-big Hugs!

  2. laughing... Well said. aaron gets cuter every second. Hugs back at ya...
