Spring is here... sniffle

Truly, I love today. The sun is shining brightly. The sky is a deep turquoise blue. Big, puffy clouds are moving lazily in the sky. A gorgeous day all around. The windows are open to let in the fresh air. I am sniffling a little, I can live with it.

For your horror, the mound below is an ant hill. Hopefully they are all dead now. The arrows point to the black and red beasties. They are wood ants. The hill was found at the edge of our property. Ick.... I tried to show a close-up of the monsters.

Now that I am all itchy, a photo of our first dandelion. No, we do not pull them up. The bumblebees love them. The spots of yellow over the property, interspersed with the purple pansies is beautiful.

Below are the (fighting) hummingbirds. Sadly, I have not been able to capture the brown one in the sun yet. It is a bright copper with a cheery-red throat. It is stunning. The hummingbirds are playing "King of the Feeder" right now. We need to get another feeder, though we are sure another King will take over, chasing away other hummingbirds. I cannot wait for the babies to appear. They are so tiny.

Finally, Miss Maggie. She is doing very well. Friday is the beauty parlor for the Works. I am sure she will not speak to me for a day. She hates getting her nails dremeled and her hair shaved into a puppy cut, but only for a day. The following day she realizes how comfortable she is and forgives me.
Well, that was boring, wasn't it?


I am a bit ecclectic. This blog is whimsical musings about my various interests and sharing things I am learning. If anything, it will be a good sleeping pill, no?

1 comment:

  1. Tell Ms. Maggie "shoulders back, chin up and tits to the wind". She will undoubtedly look marvelous!!

    Our hummers have been mia. No idea why do miss them. Miss the sound of a 747 landing outside my bedroom window.
