Getting Outside

It was a lovely day today. It is still chilly, but the sun was out and a soft breeze was gently stirring the trees. We opened up the house for hours. when we reached the blue-stage, we closed up. It was worth it, blowing out the winter, so to speak.

I started the first batch of seeds in my little indoor greenhouse. Celery takes forever, it can be three months before it is ready to go out. I do not have to start any more seeds until next month. I went to a small back garden area that had a big lump covering it of slowly thawing snow and raked it out. That will be the herb garden this year. It is to the side of the roof and behind the garage. A nice cubby-hole garden but gets a major load of snow during the winter. All the other areas are thawed and the ground is finally soft. That means it is about time to get the beds ready and covered so the sun can "cook" any "bad things" lurking in the soil before planting.

Best of all was gently removing the straw covering the strawberry beds. There was already fresh leaves appearing. They perked up within a short time. The bed gave us a good haul last year. I hope it does again this year.

I had a hard time coming back in. I am ready for spring this year.

Sally is doing well, losing some weight. ahem... Her homemade cookies have to be cut into quarters, though they are very small. She was a Pork-a-ranian. She loved today too, running all over, prancing, dashing, and other happy doggy things. She got a "hygiene" cut. Poor thing was getting widdle on her skirts. I had the groomer feather-cut the leftover long skirts to match the rest of her thighs, for balance. It came out well.

My little family is thriving and doing well. Who can ask for anything more?

Stay tuned for spring cleaning. I plan on getting rid of a lot of craft books, tarot and other esoteric books and more. I am growing and learning... and tired of dusting stuff I do not need or use any more.


I am a bit ecclectic. This blog is whimsical musings about my various interests and sharing things I am learning. If anything, it will be a good sleeping pill, no?

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