Strawberry Jam Recipe

Strawberry Jam Recipe

We have not opened the strawberry jam yet. One recipe from Ball gave the best jam...ever. I altered it slightly. You slice the fruit (5 cups after slicing) and cover it in sugar (4 cups of raw organic). Put in the fridge for 12 to 24 hours.

Put the strawberries in a pan and set your stove to medium heat. Add  1/3 cup of lemon juice and bring to a boil. Cook for 10 to 15 minutes to thicken. Let cool enough to put back in the fridge for another day.

The next day, put on the stove and get it hot while getting your canning stuff going- jars, lids and the like. Can-up following the directions for water-bath canning. Process for 20 minutes (in the flatlands), 25 for my elevation. Turn off flame and take lid off pot and let sit for 5 minutes before taking out to cool on a thick towel and... you know the drill.

Oh man, the flavor is worth spreading it out over a few days. We did not have enough of our own and had to buy the store ones. They tend to be only half as good as homegrown. The process really brings out their full flavors. Yum.

I will try to add a photo sometime.


I am a bit ecclectic. This blog is whimsical musings about my various interests and sharing things I am learning. If anything, it will be a good sleeping pill, no?

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