My Best Lard Soap Recipe

Contrary to what is said about tallow and lard, (and butter for that matter), neither will NOT break you out. In fact, they are more moisturizing and healthier fats to use in one's soaps and lotion recipes. I found lard is scent-free within one day, and the scent is faint at best before that. Tallow tends to have a faint "meaty" scent, though it disappears in a year if one cures that long, or you can add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil to the bar after they cure 6 to 8 weeks. The drops soak in and dissipate any faint "meaty" scent. Lard and tallow soaps are hard bars, though they are the most conditioning for your skin without leaving one greasy or sticky.

In a pinch, I will use grocery store crap-lard for soaps. It is not my preference, but sometimes, you are out of ingredients and have to improvise. The recipe below is made for the "in a pinch" situation, using fats and oils I can find at my grocery store. This recipe uses one 40 oz. tub-o-lard. If you have not noticed, 1 lb. quart jars, cans and the rest are twice the price and 4 oz less than a pound. That is why the tub-o-lard is 40 oz, it is missing 4 oz. per pound. If your recipes are not working out, look at what you are buying and the weight listed, or do as I normally do, can your own food.

I am sure there is a recipe exactly like mine out there somewhere. Nothing is new. When making up a recipe, most people come up with similar amounts. I call it mine because it is what worked with what I found at the store without having any leftover crap-lard. It is for soap and not eating, so... Importantly, DO check the amounts on any soap calculator program online before using. I prefer Soap Calc. It is easier to use when having to tweak ingredients to fit what is on hand for me. My disclaimer is at the bottom. Take responsibility for any changes you make and the outcome.

All amounts are by weight, NOT volume. I did round up or down accordingly for ease of weighing. You will notice that when entering amounts in Soap Calc. It still works out fine. You can go to exact weights if your scale will weight that finely.

Deb's Lard Soap Recipe

28 oz Water
10 oz Lye (NaOH)
40 oz Lard
3 oz Castor oil
18 oz Coconut oil
12 oz Olive oil

Measure out water and lye. Add lye TO! the water, stirring to dissolve. Be sure to wear long sleeves, goggles, gloves and do this  outside or by an open window. Be smart.

While the lye solution cools, gently melt and warm the lard, castor, coconut, and olive oils. When the lye has cooled down to about the same temp as the oils, slowly blend in the lye/water. I use a stick blender. It brings the soap to trace easily and cleans up nicely.

Once the soap reaches trace, pour into whatever prepared mold you have on hand. Mine is parchment paper-lined glass 9" x 9" pan and a lined glass loaf pan. Whatever works, yes? Let set up out of the way for a day before unmolding and slicing. I use fishing line attached to two wooden dowels, just like I used for slicing clay when a potter.  Let cure for at least 6 weeks. The longer it cures, the harder the soap gets.

It was pretty hard and lasts well for us after having 8 weeks of cure-time. This is a very bubbly soap. Be careful and rinse the shower floor when bathing, or you will find the tub bottom with your hinny. Himself likes the soap. He found his skin was not dry, yet he does not feel "slimy" like most moisturizing soaps do to him. I agree. It also works nicely in my hair. I do NOT use a vinegar rinse, having hard water. My hair did not get gummy after a week like some soaps will do to my hair.

*Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor or claim to be one. This recipe is for informational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be construed as medical advice. Always see your favorite Medical, Voodoo, Hoodoo or Witch Doctor/Practitioner, Old Man Tree, Mr. Toad, etc., when you are sick, broken or having a bad day. Always research something on your own. I claim no responsibility nor can be held accountable for any reactions and/or any other undesirable results one may have if they follow and use this recipe, including zits, warts, smelling funny, and so on.

I am still working on a water-free lard lotion. I love what the lard is doing for my skin and working along those lines. I will also post a Bear Claw Recipe. There is similar ones online, but I found this one is our favorite.I see I also need to separate recipes from blathering posts and/or edit the posts so the recipes are easier to find.


I am a bit ecclectic. This blog is whimsical musings about my various interests and sharing things I am learning. If anything, it will be a good sleeping pill, no?

1 comment:

  1. Deb, I love your simple ingredients and no nonsense approach to using lard in soap. I have been soapmaking for 7 years and all my best and hardest soap recipes (which i formulated) have been made with lard. Thank you for this recipe!
