New year, same stuff

The kids got me an amaryllis as a prezzie when we had our holiday with them. Today, it is fully opened.
Beautiful, is it not? It has four blooms, one you cannot see at all.

Sally is loving the snow. She loves to chase snowflakes as the fall, dash through freshly fallen snow and generally acts like most children. Man, her coat is a booger to comb out now. I try to brush her daily. It is a game to her, so it takes a while to get through all that fluff.

We have some spectacular icicles going on right now. One connected with the water barrel we stupidly forgot to bring in before winter hit.
Big booger, isn't it?

I have gone through two tarot classes, loving every moment of them. I am looking forward to the teacher's (Dusty White) next book- Advanced Tarot Secrets, I believe the title will be. I have come further with his classes than I any other teacher or books in the last 30-something years. I will be taking his astrology classes next. I tried learning from my mom-in-law, but she confused me so much I never caught on. Dusty uses terms that are easier to grasp. He has free podcasts I have been listening for beginners. So far, they are great. I also took a dowsing class using pendulums. Very interesting how those work. Te teacher for that class is Pam Johnson. What an interesting and neat woman she is!

I have been making my tarot boxes. I am about to finish my 2nd order. There are a couple of other people coming up next. It is great to be making things again!

That is about it. I am having a nice winter that is quiet, yet interesting. To each our own, no? I wish everyone a nice season!


I am a bit ecclectic. This blog is whimsical musings about my various interests and sharing things I am learning. If anything, it will be a good sleeping pill, no?

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