Almost done with my home's interior painting!

One more door and threshold to go! "So what?" you may say. You try painting 5 months after moving in. It is a booger. I now have to figure out how to get faint paint spots out of the (ugly) bluish-grey carpet. The carpet color seems to be a favorite up here. My dream flooring is hardwood throughout, except the baths and those in tile. We do not have a fancy drying rack, aka a dishwasher, so I do not have to worry about wood flooring in the kitchen.

I finished washing every fleece I had in storage. (woof) This winter I plan to process it all into roving. A great "job" for long winter days. I hope to get some spinning in.

The pic is of my "fancy" wool washing area. It is a utility tub set inside the spare bath's tiny shower stall. Hey! It works and it is very easy on my back. The plus is running hot water and no tub to scrub afterwards.

This is my drying area under our carport. I have screening material stapled to wood frames. I rotate the racks, flipping them over after placing another one on top.


I am a bit ecclectic. This blog is whimsical musings about my various interests and sharing things I am learning. If anything, it will be a good sleeping pill, no?

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  1. Love the wool washing set up! Great idea. Are you on Ravelry yet?

  2. I am becoming adept with "found" objects.

    No, not on Ravelry. I swore I would never "do" a blog, yet here I am. laughing...
