Beaded bag and musings

Mary received her bead bag for her iPod, so it is "safe" to post the photos now. I still have problems photographing finished items of this nature. Intent means something, right? It is heavy, probably heavier than the iPod itself. I did not have one to use for fittings, but I did have the measurements of the device itself. Mary says it fits perfectly.

The photo to the left is the bag when it was removed from the bead loom. The photo to the right is the finished bag. I used a cross-stitch graph of Kokopelli, Mary's favorite. I beaded "loops" the same width as the sides and folded them over after adding a silver finding for attaching the chain. It hangs around Mary's neck easily and the chain will hold up nicely to wear.

It is hard to see the design on the photo to the left, a lizard. The photo on the right shows the bottom of her bag. One side and front uses matte AB green beads and the other side and front I used the shiny version for the patterns. I prefer Czech seed beads. Their shape is more pleasing to me and I like how they work for me.

I really need to figure out a better method to photograph these sort of things. Shiny things are hard enough. finding the right lighting is always a problem. My light box is in the shed... somewhere. When I photograph socks, I have them on and hold out my feet and snap the photo. (laughing) That should tell you how off-the-cuff I can be at times.

I had 3 ancient fillings replaced this week. For the first time in my life, I have a great dentist, not a sadist like the one in the "Little Shop of Horrors". The whole office liked my dental-grade vampire fangs and the dentist wants to make them for all of his staff. I wore them in, and gave the dentist a good laugh when I opened my mouth for the work to start. I was so relaxed through the whole thing, they had to put a blanket over me to keep me from getting chilled.

The rains finally started. We seem to be ready for winter, not that I should ever assume. We have not looked for an electrician to hook up our generator for emergencies. It is expensive and my dog still needs her dental work done. One thing at a time, as they say.

For now, I am slowly flickering some sort of wool for carding. That is right, I have no clue as to what kind of wool it is, just that I like the feel of it. That is terrible, I guess. It is a tan color on the red side. I do not know what color I want to dye it, if at all.

The cotton sock is tucked away. I think I will find some wool instead. The cotton is giving me fits when it comes time to finish the heel. I am sure it is me, not the yarn. I found a great pattern at:

Scroll down to the bottom for the Skull Socks of Fury. She has a nice skull pattern cap too. I know, I am too old for this sort of thing, yet here I am still doing silly things. She also has a few other nice patterns. I may make the tops longer and reverse the pattern. I prefer to fold over my sock cuffs like a little kid.


I am a bit ecclectic. This blog is whimsical musings about my various interests and sharing things I am learning. If anything, it will be a good sleeping pill, no?

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1 comment:

  1. Very cool! Do you take commission work? I have a dear friend who would love something in bead work as she is deep into her journey with the Native American spirits who inhabit her land.Let me know off the blog.

    Good for you with the dentist. I bit mine when I was a kid. Well he did stick his finger in my mouth!
