Over the rainbow

Amazingly, I captured a spectacular rainbow that spanned the hills outside the main window. I am hoping the photos show the bands of color online. I believe if one clicks on the photo you can get a larger view.

A few days ago we had a hail storm that lasted a few minutes. The hail was larger than peas! The King of the Hummingbird feeder, sadly, disappeared afterwards. We fear it was killed during the storm.

There is a new King of the Hummingbird feeder, the little guy to the left. I caught a couple of other hummingbirds feeding, pictured to the right.

Tomorrow or sometime this weekend, I will bore you all with photos of the two beaded tarot boxes and the start of a third. How exciting....zzzzzz....


I am a bit ecclectic. This blog is whimsical musings about my various interests and sharing things I am learning. If anything, it will be a good sleeping pill, no?

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1 comment:

  1. So bore me and I will return the favor!!
