Jams, Carrots and a Naughty

I have been canning for the last week. I pulled some carrots. I did not take any photos. They were delicious... and had appendages. It seems I have too much nitrogen in my soil. I am new to growing things and planted enough carrots for the times we eat them with cabbage, onions and meat.

Wanting to have more on hand, I bought a 25-lb. bag of organic carrots. The price was the same as the "pie-zoned" industrial ones too! Below is 25-lbs. of processed carrots, amounting to:
1/2 gallon-jar of dehydrated, 7 pints of dilled pickled carrots, and 5 pints of plain canned.

We also hit the farmer's market. Huckleberries are the most expensive fruits one can get! I got a gallon bag and a few pints of raspberries and made jam, below. I ended up with:
15 half-pints of huckleberry jam, 2 half-pints of huckleberry and raspberry jam, and 3 half-pints of raspberry jam.

We hope to hit a huge farmer's market down in Spokane for peaches next week, which come into season then. Our seasons up here are very short, so one gets what they can as soon as they appear.

Oh... the naughty "thing" is at the very end. (laughing)

A few flower photos below...

 Monster borage takes over. Oneof the borage flower tops.

 Flowers from the wild mix.

 The nasturtium is happy.

 I managed to get a shot of one of 30 hummingbirds in our yard. They had babies and it is almost dangerous to walk around when they get done with the flowers and go for the feeders.

The photo below may be offensive to some.

We first saw the robins "fighting" like crazy, then, "...oh. they are not fighting, they are..." Yeah. A new nest was spotted in the tree. A few days ago Himself came inside, laughing hard and grabbed the camera. The squirrels were having sex all over an area in the yard for over 15 minutes. The photo below is naughty and/or humorous, depending on one's point of view. Move on to something else if you think you will be offended and it is "evil"...


I am a bit ecclectic. This blog is whimsical musings about my various interests and sharing things I am learning. If anything, it will be a good sleeping pill, no?

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  1. If one is offended perhaps they don't have enough evil in their life

    Hey you are becoming so domestic it is scaring me!

  2. Those pickled carrots made my mouth water! Isn't it funny how satisfying it is just looking at those jars of canned goods? I'm jealous of the berries.

  3. OH! Hey, just realized that those carrots meant you probably braved the pressure canner. Is it true? Way to go!

  4. True, Terry. I have always been rather domesticated. People rarely see that side. Or I hoard my canned goods a bit.

    Thanks! Jola Gayle. And yes, I braved the pressure canner, thanks to you. I bought meat on sale to can here soon, too.
