And now for something completely different

Fall has hit us with a vengence. I had been trying to winterize everything possible. I finished up one day and the rain started. I stood up to see-

The beauty of our Fall season up here is stunning. The photo does not do it justice. I took a few more quick snaps. Some were blurry. Sorry.

Blurry, but a shot of the orange and purple pansies I found. They survived our first hard frost.

I love the contrast of colors with this little guy I found. I hope it comes back like our wild ones this spring.

The fate of the black pansies are not so certain. They wilted a bit after the first hard frost.

I had never seen black ones. So cool! I planted black, red and a reddish orange tulip bulbs this fall and hope they are as lovely and different as the pansies I found.

I like how many color variations now appear for flowers that like our short growing season. Way cool.

Lastly, the echininea has come up. I hope it blooms next year. Beautiful plant, so far.
We are down in Kalifornia to see our daughter, son-in-law and grandson. And the growing lump that will be our next grandchild. We get to go to one of her visits and see the baby. I do not know if it is too early to see what sex the babe will be.

I cannot believe how bad the pollution is that blows over from the Bay area and the Valley into the Sierras! It is like a dirty toilet ring when one looks down into the Valley area...And you can no longer see it. Ugh! I am so glad we moved to a cleaner area.

Tomorrow I get to go with the kids trick-or-treating. I so love doing that and miss the years we could not be with them. We are having our Hallow-Thank-Mas, all the holidays rolled into one very early. There is no way we want to try to traverse the mountain passes in winter. It was horrifying lasst year. It is being predicted the same for this year. Dealing with 80-degree weather is hard, being summer to us, but worth it.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... Back to knitting my daughter some fingerless wristlet thingies...


I am a bit ecclectic. This blog is whimsical musings about my various interests and sharing things I am learning. If anything, it will be a good sleeping pill, no?

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  1. Say howdy to all the valley/foothill types. I will be making a trip to the valley in a few weeks to bring home some critters to the new homestead. If you are going home after the 7th let me know - perhaps you can pop in on your way home for winter.

  2. We will be heading home that Tuesday, but going the shortest route, not I-5. Poo...
