A quickie and...

... a few bad photos. (I need to get my lightbox out someday!)

I am recuperating from surgery. Drain tubes suck. ugh. Himself is taking care of me quite well.

Yes, I am bored-bored-bored! I cannot knit yet. I knit Continental, but it still hurts at this point. I walk around every hour or so. I have read one book and started another. I got Bejeweled 3 for Himself's old Nintendo DS and playing with that too. I do not do quiet time very well.

This is a baby rattle out of willow wood. We found it at a craft fair up in Bonners last month. It is beautiful! We sent this to our daughter to add to the ever-growing pile of new baby stuff.

I carded together blues, burgundy, green and grays to get this purplish/green/gray yarn to be used on a hooded sweater.
The green is Lavonne's shetland fiber in a pale gray and dyed with a silver green cushing's dye. I am either going to dye more when I am done recovering to have enough yarn for a sweater, or use the yarn above as a contrast or something. I have not decided yet. The green is beautiful, though it is hard to see in this photo.
I found some pale blue-dyed silk, and dyed a few more caps a dusty blue. I spun them up, finding out whatever I dyed the pale blue caps with was "wrong". I have a creamy white silk yarn now. (sigh) I have more of the dusty blue to spin up when recovered. It will be a scarf for my Mom to use when she goes on an Alaskan cruise next year.
Well... that is it for now.


I am a bit ecclectic. This blog is whimsical musings about my various interests and sharing things I am learning. If anything, it will be a good sleeping pill, no?

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  1. Nice yarn, Chickie. Glad to hear from you and that you're doing well.

  2. Hope you will back up to speed soon.

  3. Hope you are back up to speed. Do we yet know what the wee one is?
