Late July Update - Gardening

Edit: I have imported this from my The Black Thumb of Death Gardening Blog to my regular blog...  

I finally got photos of the garden beds. I started with the garden beds furthest from the house, to the ones by the drive and carport. Then the beds by the front and kitchen, in front of the house and kitchen, to the back by the little craft storage room.

The peas are doing very well, as are the potatoes. The beans are doing okay, as are the turnips, beets and onions. the tomato and pepper plants are rather dismal. One paste tomato has a couple of tomatoes ripening. Two tomatoes out of how many plants? When I planted everything, I set up the watering things and then went out of town for a month. Everything popped up that I planted from seed. the tomatoes and peppers did not like the unusual heat wave that hit...or something. The spinach came and bolted, as did the mustard and radishes. All of those will be replanted at the end of the month. I am not sure about the cabbage. The kale is happy. so is the lettuce. Fresh for salads. Yea! I have not peeked at the carrots yet. the parsnips and parsley root started, so I do not want to disturb them yet.

Below are photos of those two tomatoes, peas, the strawberry bed and container and, lastly, radish blooms.

That is it for now! I did manage to finally get last year's stuff I meant to compost buried and "going". I started a new trench for this year's stuff. It is a good thing. The bucket holding compostable garbage was getting a tad ripe.


I am a bit ecclectic. This blog is whimsical musings about my various interests and sharing things I am learning. If anything, it will be a good sleeping pill, no?

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