Sauteed Radishes Non-Recipe

You can this cooking idea at: 



Delicious Sautéed Radishes and Onions Recipe, Freezing Radishes







I harvested out first ripened peas this week. After doing a hot-pack pressure canning, I ended up with 6 pints and one 1/2 pint. The next harvesting, I will can the peas in 1/2 pints. I share them with my daughter, she is the only one who loves peas, too, in her little family. Himself loves our home-grown peas. He will not touch commercially-grown ones, finding them flavorless and tough. I have to share. I am a nice person, ya know...

This first batch filled the giant colander and a big bowl. I would of loved for there to be as much peas as pods. It looks like the second harvest will be just as decent as the first.

Though they are hard to see in all of the greenery on our property, the added height poles stuck into the trellis, (a couple of arrows in the photo to help), shows the most prolific plantings. Surprisingly, these are Burpee organic "Garden Sweet" peas. The pea vines in further back rows are just 3' tall. So much for the fancy high-end organic varieties I have been planting before. They have not produced half as much.You can see the red and green leaf lettuces at the base of the tallest pea vines.

We have more than enough lettuces. That is not the only spot I have lettuce. I planted just as it started to rain. My pinches of lettuce seeds were too big. I did not kill the extra sprouts when they appeared. I instead put them in all of the spots I could squeeze them into. I need to get a hold of our neighbor to take some bunches to, or see what one can do with so much lettuce a rabbit would go into a coma trying to eat it all. Two are leaf lettuces. The ones to the far right is red head lettuce. I have never seen that before. The bright green one is Simpson Elite and the red one is Red Sails. They are very tasty lettuces to us.


I am a bit ecclectic. This blog is whimsical musings about my various interests and sharing things I am learning. If anything, it will be a good sleeping pill, no?

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