Gardening and Blather

We can only work on the garden in the morn, before afternoon storms hit. It was finally warming up, then they douched us with chem trails, and the storms started back up again... (insert unlady-like verbiage directed towards the cabal's minions.) The sun is coming up a good 15°+ north of east, but it is now more overhead. That is helpful for the garden beds on the kitchen side of the house.

After two years of using wooden stakes to hold up the trellis (fencing) for supporting various veggies, I needed something more durable to our conditions. I was no longer using the many hoops we made. Ah ha! I had Himself put them along the "north-ish" side of the boxes, just inside so the boxes add some support to the hoops after sinking the pole ends in. He then used baling wire to attached the trellis. Yea! A more sturdy trellis for the veggies. No more stakes going tits-up mid-season. Win-win. It looks nice, too.

Most of the boxes are over 6 years old. The lumber store only had 18 decent untreated cedar fence boards out of the pile. 3 boards to a box, 6 new boxes. It will have to do. We got 5 replaced in the veggie area. One in the potato area will be replaced.

After replacing that last box, having done the ones for the various veggies, I still have to fertilize with aged chicken poo and a fertilizer blend I made the rest of the garden areas- the 25x25 fenced meadow area for chickpeas, the potato and dry bean boxes, the area in the back that will have black-eyed peas and quinoa, the 12x12 corn (and popcorn) area and the two boxes on the slope off the veggie area that will have winter squashes.

I still have blotches from the chemical burn. The feeling is still somewhat numb and painful to the touch. I finally found info that the burns can take 6 months to years to fully heal. I may still scar and the area may stay numb-ish. It frosts my biscuits that poisoned clothing is legal to sell. I can only wish permanently festering massive pustules on the butts of those company CEO's that sell this garbage.

Enough... Photos of the garden areas below. Boring to some. I rather enjoy seeing the work as it progresses, imagining the veggies we will harvest. That is all...


I am a bit ecclectic. This blog is whimsical musings about my various interests and sharing things I am learning. If anything, it will be a good sleeping pill, no?

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  1. My veg gardens are also in raised boxes - I'd never go back to a large flat garden anymore. You have quite a bit more garden than I do, but (including all the flower beds) I guess I garden as much as I like.
    Wondering: I thought chicken crap (& bunny poo) was cold fertilizer - that it doesn't need aging?

    1. I am sorry I am over a year answering! I missed your reply.

      Yes, it is cold, but I still let it age because it included the pine litter, which adds "carbon" to the soil too. ;D
